Sharing Ideas

“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

– George Bernard Shaw

I’ll be speaking at a few trade shows and educational association meetings in the next few weeks. As I prepare my presentations and remarks, I have been thinking about the value of associations, sharing groups and networking.

The real value – for me – in attending a trade show is not to look for potential customers (if I am a manufacturer or a service provider.) And it is not to look to deals or to pick up a new line of goods (if I am a retailer.) No, no no.

That is exchanging one apple for another apple (as in my opening quote from G.B. Shaw) Goods and services change hands every day. I sell you something in exchange for your payment. That is a transaction. Neither of us was enriched.

Yes, the manufacturer received money in exchange for his goods; so his or her banking balance was temporarily increased. But soon enough, they will be depleting the account to pay for materials to manufacture additional goods to be sold.

Ah – but the exchange of ideas. That is a different story. A story that I am preparing to tell during my speeches and presentations.

If I pick up – and implement – just one idea from the trade show, I have found a wonderful opportunity to enhance my business. To grow my business. To maximize my opportunities. I am enriched.

Sometimes, I get an idea from a business partner; sometimes from a speech or a presentation. But I find that the best ideas usually come from a peer. Something that has worked for them. Something that I can adapt to fit my situation.

And, of course, I feel obligated to return the favor. To share an idea that has worked for me. This is the Law of Reciprocity. Now we are both enriched. I still have my original idea and have picked up at least one more.

The market place is expanded. This is the Law of Abundance. (from Brian Tracy’s Blog.)

Look for ideas – they are every where.

I also have found that the more ideas that I share with others, the more ideas I get back in return!

Law of Reciprocity

`Who says that customer service is dead? It’s alive and well! I found another exceptional employee the other night – a clerk in a Barnes & Noble Bookstore in suburban San Diego, CA. Here’s the story.

I saw (part of) a terrific documentary on Television about a month ago. I really wanted to purchase a copy of the DVD if it was available. The only problem was that I couldn’t remember the name of the film. So, I had some time on my hand prior to my drive home and went looking for it at the local Barnes & Noble.

The clerk looked friendly enough and, of course, he asked if he could help me.

“Yes, I’m looking for a documentary about the musical sidemen who backed the Motown stars on their recording sessions in the 60’s and 70’s. I don’t know the title. Can you help me?” Continue reading “Law of Reciprocity” »

Have you been encouraged to buy recently?

Can a very good employee make you money and bring in repeat customers?

The answer should be obvious – yes they can – and they do! In my opinion the problem is not so much finding these “rainmaker employees.” Rather it is coaching them to “go the extra mile” and to develop their own personal style.

Last Friday evening, I found such an employee. No, actually he found me!

Here’s the scene: I was killing a few minutes while waiting for my connecting flight home. Dead time! I had just completed an intense two-day training session. I was wandering in the in Portland, OR terminal. Then the sign for “Powell’s Bookstore” caught my eye. Perhaps you have heard of Powell’s – the legendary “street block of books” in downtown Portland. It was refreshing to see them here in the terminal; I perked up and walked inside. Continue reading “Have you been encouraged to buy recently?” »

The Full-Service Mentality

I had a very pleasant experience yesterday – at a Gas Station, of all places!  When is the last time that you ever pulled into a full-service pump?  Rarely, I am sure.  Like most of us, you probably couldn’t afford to pay that premium price per gallon.

So imagine my surprise – shock, actually – when I saw two service attendant rush out to my car when I pulled up to the pump!  I quickly said, “Oh, I must be at the wrong pump, I want self-service.”  One attendant said, “No, you ARE at the self-serve pump, but would you like us to check your oil, water and tire pressure?”

By the time I recovered my composure, I saw that the other attendant was washing my windows.  Gosh … I haven’t experienced this level of service at a gas station since the price per gallon was well-below $1.00.

Why were they offering this premium service at the discounted price?  “Because it is our pleasure, sir!”

Expect the unexpected!

Now, this particular Gas Station is one of several along along side Interstate 5 in Oceanside, CA.  The station next door is undergoing a renovation – so the closest competitor, isn’t – for now.  So why are they offering such great service now?  When they don’t have to.

Simple!  Great service is a mind-set.  It is an attitude.  It is a habit.  You can’t just turn it off and on when competitive pressures build or let up.  Companies who deliver great service do so consistently.  It is their DNA.  They work hard at it.  Yes, they train their employees to deliver great service.  But, more important – they live great service.  Their actions – how they treat their customers, how they behave when no one is observing – that is the model.  A model for success.

You can bet that the next time I am down in Oceanside, CA I will choose the Gas Station that gave me the great service yesterday.  I want to reciprocate – I want to give back in return.  And return I will, again and again!

And I will tell others to patronize this gas station – they have earned my referral. They deserve the business!