Why us vs. About us

Earlier today I posted a review of the book “Creating Competitive Advantage,” by Jaynie L. Smith.  There are many penetrating insights in the book but I was particularly struck by this one:

Look at any website – or your own website – and read the “About Us” section.  Filled with a lot of self-serving blather, right?  Who wrote this stuff?  Probably a committee.  Who reads this stuff – nobody (well maybe the President's mother)  So why do we have an “About us” section on our website?  Because everyone else has one on their website.

The author suggests that we take down that part of our site.  In its place put up a “Why Us?” section and use that to neatly articulate your company's distinct competitive advantages.  Tell current and potential clients why they should choose your company to provide the products or services they are seeking.  What a great idea!

And not only that, but “promote” the “Why Us?” section on your website.  Make it the first place that  visitors click on – give it prominent positioning.  We know that a website has to attract a visitor's attention in a matter of seconds.  What better opportunity than this – to tell them straight out why they should do business with you!

I'm going to act upon this idea and add a prominent “Why Us?” section to my website – www.thecompanyrocks.com as soon as I possibly can!  Tell our readers what you think about this idea.


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