The Stand-up Standard

I advise my clients to increase the actual number of meetings that they hold each month.  Yes more meetings!  But only if you implement a strategy for holding many different types of meetings.  One of my favorite types of meetings is a 10-minute “stand-up” reporting meeting.

Some people call this their daily “huddle.”  Regardless of what you call it, here's how to make it successful:

The purpose of this meeting is to keep all members of your team (executives or departmental) on the “same page” for that day or that week.

Each team member reports on what they are doing / have done towards reaching a common team goal.

Everyone stands up for the meeting.  There is a strict time limit enforced – no one is allowed to ramble-on or pontificate.

This meeting is held at the same time each day / week regardless of how many team members are physically present.  Some team members may submit their report ahead of time to be read; other team members may participate via teleconference.

No one is allowed to stay off topic!  If an urgent topic emerges from this “heads-up” meeting do not discuss it it this meeting.  Convene another meeting (starting in 5 minutes if necessary) to address this crisis.  And bring in the necessary people and materials you will need to deal with this crisis.

In order to have effective meetings at work you must take a strategic approach to scheduling and preparing for tour meetings.  If there is no purpose for the meeting… don't hold the meeting!  If there is a purpose, what type of meeting will best serve your purpose.  Should the meeting be strategic?  Or a brain-storming meeting?  Will you need to reach a decision at the meeting?  If so, what approach will you take?  Consensus, majority vote?

I think that you see the point.  I also think that you might start to agree that your company needs to hold more meetings (while decreasing overall employee hours spent in meetings) to become more productive and profitable.

As I have said in prior posts on this subject a good place to start to get reliable tips on improving your meetings is at the Effective Meetings website.  There are also several very good books on this subject.  I will write my reviews on several of them in the weeks and months to come.

Meanwhile, if you have a favorite tip or book to share with our readers please do so.  Add your comment to this post.  It's easy to do and our readers will benefit from your participation.

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