Write a Custom Excel Function to Link Worksheet Tab Name to a Cell

Custom Functions in Excel

Custom Excel Functions

In response to many viewer requests, I am creating a two-part series of video tutorials that show you how to create links between the name of an Excel Worksheet Tab and a cell on that worksheet.

Here, in Part One, I demonstrate how to write a Custom Excel Function to capture the name of the worksheet tab in a cell.

Write Custom Excel Functions

You write Custom Excel Functions in the Visual Basic Editor. One way to open the Visual Basic Editor is to use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F11. Here are the elements that I use in this lesson:

  • Open the Project Explorer Pane (Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + R).
  • Insert a Module to contain the VBA Code that you write for your Custom Function
  • Open the Code Pane (Keyboard Shortcut F7).

Write the Code for the Custom Function

In its simplest form, this is all of the code that you need for this Custom Excel Function:

Function SHEETNAME2() As String
SHEETNAME2 = Application.Caller. Parent.Name
End Function


That’s it!

Automatically Update Results of Custom Functions

A major difference between Custom Functions that you write and Excel’s Built-in Functions is that by default, the result of a Custom Function does not automatically update when values or references change. If you want your Custom Function to automatically update whenever the worksheet changes, add this line of code to your Custom Function in the Module:

Application.Volatile True

Source for this Code

I found the code for this Custom Excel Function in John Walkenbach’s Book, “Excel 2007 Formulas. He is an Excel Expert and I admire his writing style. You can check out his reources at this site:


Watch this Video in High Definition on YouTube

Click on this link to view this Excel Tutorial on my YouTube Channel – DannyRocksExcels.

Watch Part 2 of This Series

Here is the link to Part 2 in this Series. In this lesson I show you how to write an Excel Macro in VBA to update the Name of the Worksheet Tab based upon the value in a cell on the worksheet.