Video Tour My DVD – The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007

I invite you to join me on a four minute, seven second video tour of my new instructional DVD, “The 50 Best Tips, Tricks & Techniques for Excel 2007.”

This DVD is different. If you want to learn Excel and you are pressed for time (and who isn’t these days?) this is the DVD for you. I give you over 5 1/2 hours of focused video instruction. The average length of each video lesson is 6 1/2 minutes! So you can find the topic that you want, learn it, and put it into practice at home or at work in under 10 minutes!

As a bonus, I include the 50 Excel worksheets that I used to create and film the video lessons. Now you can practice the tips to master your new Excel skills!

Follow this link if  you want to see the complete list of the 50 video lessons on my DVD.

Are you ready to purchase “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007?” Follow this link to enter the online bookstore for The Company Rocks. This is a secure shopping site. And, I guarantee that you will be satisfied with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, I will refund you money – no questions asked!


Danny Rocks

Related Videos

My New DVD – The 50 Best Tips for MS Excel 2007 is now on sale

50 Best Tips fo MS Excel

New! Now available from the online store at

Do you ever have one of those “A-ha” moments? You know – those moments when everything falls into place. When everything becomes crystal clear. When you finally “get it!”

Well, here is your opportunity to experience 50  “A-ha” moments. Here is a great way for you to learn “The 50 Best TIps, Tricks, and Techniques for Microsoft Excel 2007.”

I spent almost three months filming these short Excel training videos. I worked hard to create this DVD in order to make it easy for you to learn how to remain productive at work while learning to use the new Excel 2007 interface.

And, the Excel 2007 interface is really quite different.

So different, that many long-time Excel users just give up on it and return to the tried and true Excel 2003 program.

And that is too bad. Because, Excel 2007 allows you to perform so many business tasks faster and better. But … first, you must get over “the initial learning curve” to understand how to navigate in Excel 2007.

This DVD makes it easy for you to learn how to use Microsoft Excel 2007 – guaranteed!

In selecting the 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007, I wanted to include tricks that all Excel users could put to use – now! I include tips at the Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Each lesson is short – five to six minutes on average – and focused on just one topic. Each lesson on the DVD is self-contained – I teach you how to solve one problem per lesson.Overall, the DVD contains 5 1/2 hours of training on Excel 2007!

This DVD is available exclusively from the SkillPath Seminars bookstore. They are offering it for sale at the introductory price of $49.95 Here is a link to the demonstration / order now page.

I am proud of this product. I know that you will gain some new insights into how to get the most out of Excel 2007. I welcome  your feedback. Please drop me a note  – Or … add your comments below for all readers to share.

Thank you for your support!

Danny Rocks

I Have 21 Excel Videos Rated 5-Stars on YouTube

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Here is a listing of my 21 Excel Video Lessons that are rated “5-Stars” on YouTube.

I hvae organized the videos by category. The First Hyperlink will take you to to the videos on this site. The “indented” Hyperlink will take you to the videos on my YouTube site –  DannyRocksExcels.

I hope that you find a few tips to save you time or answer a question. I welcome your feedback. Enjoy!

Pivot Tables

“What-if” Analysis

Consolidation and SubTotals

Filter & Sort Lists in Excel

Financial Functions in Excel

Logical & Lookup Functions in Excel

Text Functions

Formula Auditing

Formatting and Conditional Formatting

Paste Special Options

Excel Charts

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Videos

Consolidate Data as a Quick Alternative to Subtotals

I have a great tip for you! When you need to produce a quick summary report of your data, use Consolidate in place of Subtotals. Here’s why:

  • You don’t have to sort the data when you consolidate.
  • You can use multiple functions (SUM, AVERAGE) in adjacent columns in your report.
  • You can easily copy and paste the Consolidated Summary Report to another workbook or into Word.

Watch this short video as I demonstrate how to use Data Consolidate in place of Subtotals.

Steps to follow in this lesson:

  1. Select an empty cell. Choose Data – Consolidate.
  2. In the dialog box, choose the Function that you want (SUM is the most common) and then select your data range (including the Column Headers) and click ADD.
  3. Be sure to check the Use Labels in “Top Row” and “Left Column.” Click OK
  4. A quirk – The Label for the Category does not appear when you Consolidate Data – Simply copy & paste it from cell A1.
  5. Repeat these steps to add an additional Function – e.g. AVERAGE to your Consolidation Report.
  6. Copy and paste the Consolidated Data to another workbook or to another application – e.g. MS Word.
  7. Contrast this quick alternative to creating Subtotals.
  8. The real “Time Saver” comes from the ability to quickly copy the Consolidated Summary.
  9. The “Gotcha” to remember with Subtotals is to choose “Edit – Go To – Special – Visible Cells Only” before you copy the Level 2 Subtotals. If you omit this step, you will discover that you have copied ALL of the data and not just the summary!

Find the Excel Training Video that you want – Click here for the Index to all Excel Topics

Learn how to “Master Excel in Minutes – Not Months!”

Review Custom List Sorting, Subtotals, and Consolidation in Excel

This video reviews 4 Excel topics. Creating a Custom List and then sorting according to the Custom List; Creating Subtotals and also Consolidating Data according to Category.

These topics are consistently the most viewed on my website.

Here are the steps to follow in this Excel Video Lesson:

  1. Enter the values for your Custom List in either a column or row. Select the list and then Spell Check it (F7 key is the shortcut.)
  2. With the list still selected, go to Tools, Options, Custom List Tab, Import, OK.
  3. To sort data using the Custom List, be sure to click Options and then select the custom list from the drop-down in “First key sort order.”
  4. Sort your list prior to creating Subtotals. Data, Subtotals and then make selections in the dialog box.
  5. Consolidate Data by Category: First, select the top cell where your Consolidation Report will appear. Then select Data, Consolidation. Select the Reference Range to be consolidated. When consolidating “By Category,” be sure to select your Top Row (Labels) as well as the data. Click Add.
  6. Be sure to check the “Use labels in:” Top Row and Left Column boxes. Click OK.

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Excel Video Lessons

Write Excel formulas that refer to multiple worksheets

Learn how to create formulas in Excel that link to cells in multiple worksheets – or other workbooks. Then, if a value in one of your linked cells changes, your formula updates to reflect that change!

In this Excel video lesson we started by creating a template which we copied to create multiple worksheets (for Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.)

Let’s write a formula to SUM the sales from the Jan, Feb & Mar worksheets to create our 1st Quarter Summary Report. We will also review the Data, Consolidation method to accomplish the same goal.

Here are the steps to follow in this Excel Video Lesson:

  1. For Summary or Consolidation reports it is best to start with a template.
  2. In Cell D4 of the “1st Quarter…” worksheet we type “=sum(” and then click the worksheet tab for “January” and select cell D4.
  3. Hold down the “Shift” key and click the March worksheet tab.
  4. Notice that in the Formula Bar, Excel has selected the range from January:March for cell D4.
  5. After you complete the formula with a “)” you can copy the formula to the other cells in the report.
  6. Data, Consolidation is easy to calculate if you have organized your data based on a Template. You are consolidating “by Position.”

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Excel Video Lessons

Consolidate Excel data by position

Most companies use Excel to produce budget reports. In this video lesson you will learn how to consolidate data from January, February and March to produce a 1st Quarter Consolidated Budget report – based off of an Excel Template.

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. Start with a Template – either on your computer or download one from the Microsoft website. Modify as necessary and then make multiple copies of it. e.g. 1 ea. for Jan, Feb, Mar and 1st Qtr, etc.
  2. Select the 1st cell to receive consolidated data in your 1st Quarter Consolidated report. Then, choose Data, Consolidate.
  3. Point to the January worksheet and select the range of cells that you want in the 1st Qtr consolidated report. Then click ADD.
  4. Repeat this process pointing to the February and March worksheets. Because we based our monthly reports on a Template, the range of cells in each worksheet is exactly the same – i.e. “By Position.”
  5. If you do not check the “Create links to source data” box, you will simply add (SUM) the data from the selected ranges into the Consolidation worksheet. SUM is the most common function but you are free to choose others.
  6. If you did check the “Create links to source data” box your consolidation worksheet will be outlined and each cell will be linked back to its source cell.

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Excel Video Lessons