Just my 42 cents worth of advice

How many emails have you sent out this morning? At least 10?

How many people did you CC or BCC on your last email? Why did you choose to CC or BCC them?

If you had to pay 42 cents for each email – and 42 cents for each person you CC or BCC on your email – how many would you have sent?

A lot less I am sure! But think about this concept- before you click “Send.” Would you send this email if you had to pay a small fee in order to do so?

What is your email worth – not just to you – but to your recipient?

Email saves you time. Unsolicited email wastes the recipient’s time.

Email is efficient for conveying information. Unstructured email confuses the recipient.

Seth Godin has a wonderful list of 36 points to check before you send out your next email. Click here to read it. Print it out. Laminate it. Keep it in prominent spot next to your computer. Think about each point before you send out your next email.

If you take even one of these thirty points to heart, you will compose more effective emails. You will send out fewer emails. But those that you do send out will be read – and acted upon!

And that is what you want as a result – isn’t it? Would it be worth an investment of 42 cents? Think about this before you click “Send.” Can you imagine your recipient saying “Thank you?”

If not, re-think your eamil message. And reconsider including each person that you copy the email to.

Please share your email tips and stories with our readers. Add your comments below.

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