I Recommend – Books

This is one of the best books on business strategy on the market today – particularly if you are a small business owner or an entrepreneur.  The author, Donna Fenn is a columnist for Inc. Magazine

As part of her research she visited and reports on 8 different small business creators – ranging from a bicycle shop owner and a top Harley-Davidson dealer to a unique group of independent Public Relations / Consultants federation.

Each entrepreneur has achieved success but faced many difficult challenges as they grew.  How they dealt with each challenge – and the lessons learned – form the crux of this book.

A common thread – each company is successful in an area that most people would assume has become commodotized – and ruled by giant ope raters whose primary attraction is a low price – NOT SO!

If you are a small business owner who worries about competing against predatory marketers, big-box retailers or category-killers, run – as fast as you can to get a copy of this book and read it immediately!

Any entrepreneur will recognize that they can easily suffer from this symptom:

“… because it so often the case that they pursue the business for the love of food, but are wiped out by the business reality of producing and selling it.”

The best way to give you the essence of this book is to quote the final words:

“The business itself – not the product, the service, or even the entrepreneur – is the Alpha Dog.  It's responsive, dynamic, and takes nothing for granted;  it's resilient and sustainable.  And it refuses to accept the conventional wisdom that size is limiting.  It knows that even a very small dog, when it stands in the proper light, can cast an awesome shadow.”

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