How a coach can smooth out the learning curve

“The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.”

– Edward Bulwer-Lytton

I’ve been exposed to some great teachers during my lifetime. They have, indeed, inspired me to teach myself; to continue to learn and grow.

But there are times when I need to have a good coach by my side to help smooth out the learning curve.

Case in point: I am learning to use a new software program. This program enables me to record training videos which I then upload to my website. Sounds pretty straight forward. Except it isn’t – for me at least!

I spent the better part of yesterday, searching through on-line help websites; reading the users manual for the program; trying one option after another to get the files uploaded properly. It took me hours and hours of trial and error before I succeeded.

OK, so now I know how to perform this task – I’m over the learning curve for this part of the program.

But… did the learning curve have to be so steep?

No… I needed a coach to help me achieve what I wanted to achieve. Quickly, professionally, and interactively. I was more than willing to pay for the coach’s services. There was just one problem…

The “live” coaches for this program took the day off. They were relaxing with friends and family over the 4th of July weekend.

I was not relaxing. I was climbing a steep learning curve.

A good coach – at the right time – would have made the learning curve much smoother. I learned another lesson while trying to learn this software program.


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