Chicago – One Year Later

I am in Chicago this week for the 60th Annual Midwest Clinic – An International Band and Orchestra Conference.  The weather is great – bright and sunny.  Seeing so many of my old friends and colleagues – priceless!

Last year, at this conference, I was really starting to solidify my plan for a change in career.  I had been working for companies in the music products industry for 29 years, and now it was the time for me to work for myself.  There were so many things that I wanted to accomplish – and I realized that I would have to “go out on my own” in order to do so.  This was not an easy decision for me.  I needed to build up the courage to follow my convictions and launch my own consulting practice.

But I really wondered, “Will this be the last time I attend The Midwest Clinic?”  Will this be the last time I see so many of my good friends?  What about those traditions?  Gosh, I've attended this conference every December for the 22 years  – will this be my last one?

Well, I am happy to report that it is already “Old Home Week” here in Chicago!  As soon as I walked through the front door at the Chicago Hilton and Towers I ran into 3 long-time colleagues.  As usual, it took me 25 minutes to get to the elevators – just saying hello to all the people that I know, love and respect – just like the last 22 years!

Fortunately, I have a legitimate reason to be at the conference this year.  The American Music Conference (AMC) is holding our Executive Committee Meeting here during the conference.  And my schedule is quite full with appointments.  But, reflecting back to December 2005…

It is so much better to be moving towards a new goal than it is to be moving away from the past.  I was making that change- in my mind – at this time last year.  Here in Chicago.  It was painful.  Leaving my past behind… leaving all of that security behind… wondering, worrying… But then it started to change.  My vision for what I could accomplish started to become clearer.  I was walking towards a new goal.  I was ready to close one chapter in my career and turn the page to start the next one.

I am going to relish my time here this week.  I'm going to take extra time to “be present” when I chat with my colleagues.  I am going to take time to reflect on each of the traditions associated with The Midwest.  I'm going to making more plans for the future.  I'm going to be setting some new goals.  I'm going to savor each moment.  I know why I belong to this association.  I welcome the strength that I gain from my associates.  I am glad that I made my career change.  It has been a very good year!



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