An Engaged Workforce Delivers Extraordinary Results

“People today are saying, ‘teach me, grow me, and if you won’t teach me and grow me I’ll go someplace else.'”

– Sharon Jordan-Evans, Executive Coach

One of the themes at the conference I attended last week was “The Engaged Employee.” Jackie Freiberg, co-author of the business book best-seller “Guts!,” was the keynote speaker. She taught us how to “Blow the Doors Off Service-as-Usual.” The essence of the talk was that you will never be able to provide extraordinary service to your “external” customers (the ones whose business allows you to pay the bills) until you start to grow, teach and empower your “internal” customers (the ones who do the work.)

Employers who are unable or unwilling to “grow, teach and empower” their employees can not remain competitive in the marketplace. Both customers and your workforce demand that you do so. It is expected. They must be “engaged” with you and your business. Otherwise …, as the opening quote states, “(they) will go someplace else.”

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A Week Working On My Business

I just returned from a week of meetings, educational sessions, networking and fun! I was attending they annual National Association of School Music Dealers Association (NASMD) convention in Tucson, AZ. For all those who attended it was a worthwhile investment – time spent working on your business. Taking time away from working in your business in order to learn – from peers and professionals – how to do a better job running your own business.

Continue reading “A Week Working On My Business” »

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The Full-Service Mentality

I had a very pleasant experience yesterday – at a Gas Station, of all places!  When is the last time that you ever pulled into a full-service pump?  Rarely, I am sure.  Like most of us, you probably couldn’t afford to pay that premium price per gallon.

So imagine my surprise – shock, actually – when I saw two service attendant rush out to my car when I pulled up to the pump!  I quickly said, “Oh, I must be at the wrong pump, I want self-service.”  One attendant said, “No, you ARE at the self-serve pump, but would you like us to check your oil, water and tire pressure?”

By the time I recovered my composure, I saw that the other attendant was washing my windows.  Gosh … I haven’t experienced this level of service at a gas station since the price per gallon was well-below $1.00.

Why were they offering this premium service at the discounted price?  “Because it is our pleasure, sir!”

Expect the unexpected!

Now, this particular Gas Station is one of several along along side Interstate 5 in Oceanside, CA.  The station next door is undergoing a renovation – so the closest competitor, isn’t – for now.  So why are they offering such great service now?  When they don’t have to.

Simple!  Great service is a mind-set.  It is an attitude.  It is a habit.  You can’t just turn it off and on when competitive pressures build or let up.  Companies who deliver great service do so consistently.  It is their DNA.  They work hard at it.  Yes, they train their employees to deliver great service.  But, more important – they live great service.  Their actions – how they treat their customers, how they behave when no one is observing – that is the model.  A model for success.

You can bet that the next time I am down in Oceanside, CA I will choose the Gas Station that gave me the great service yesterday.  I want to reciprocate – I want to give back in return.  And return I will, again and again!

And I will tell others to patronize this gas station – they have earned my referral. They deserve the business!

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I Recommend

“You're not recruiting people just to do tasks.  You're recruiting people to engage and maintain relationships.”

– Tom Wilzius, Management Consultant

As a traditional retail store, your competitive advantage is your ability to establish and nurture strong relationships with your best customers.  In order to be successful in building these relationships, you and your staff need to change your perspective from being “product-focused” to becoming “customer-focused.”  Here is a great tactic to get you moving in that direction:

1) On a regular basis, have each staff member in your department pick out a particular product (or small list of products) that they like – and would recommend to others.

2) In you store, set aside a display area where you stack the products (for sale) and prominently feature the staff member- a short bio – and their written recommendation – why I like this book or gadget, and why I think that you will too.  Make it attractive – but be sure that it is “personal.”  This is the key.  You are not promoting a “product of the month” – that is a “product-focused” attitude.  Rather, you are starting to view your store from a “customer-focused” viewpoint.  The point being, that a personal recommendation is a powerful sales influcencer.

I have been reminded of this marketing tip twice in the past few days.  Yesterday, I received my monthly e-newsletter from Rhonda Adams of The Planning Shop.  She mentioned that her best selling book, “Business Plan in a Day,” is featured on a special “staff selection” table at all Borders Bookstores from now until April 12.

This tactic works – trust me.  Last month, I went into a Borders Bookstore and purchased 4 of the 8 “staff selections” in the business book department.  Who has the time to search through hundred or thousands of titles?  We welcome a recommendation from a trusted adviser.  I admit, I did not develop a personal relationship with any of the staff at this particular Borders store – they are simply too large an enterprise for this to happen.  But … for you, The Independent Retailer who has a local customer base, this is a “golden opportunity” to try out!

The other reminder of how effective this “staff selection” tactic is came from Bob & Sue Negen's terrific new book, “Marketing Your Retail Store in the Internet Age.”  They recommend that you put these “staff selections” on a prominent page on your website.  This is especially appealing to a small retail business – don't try to list every possible product available (in your store or in the catalog) on your website.  Just list – and sell! – a few featured items.  And be sure that your say “Our staff recommends.”  Possibly an even more effective headline would be, “Our customers recommend.”  In either case, be sure to write out the reasons why they like – and recommend – the products.

To illustrate the difference in positioning, compare these two headlines:

“On Sale This Month!”

“Our Customers Recommend!”

The first headline implies that YOU want to move these products.  Perhaps you got a great deal on them or maybe they have been sitting on your shelf for too long.  But the message that you convey is “I, I, I” or “We, We, We.”  In the second headline the message implied is “people – just like you – have purchased these products and they think that you will like them also, because…”

Which is the more effective approach?  Which one is “customer-focused?”  Which will generate more sales and excitement?

Try it! Write me and let me know if this works in your store –



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The coffee didn't taste as good

Yesterday morning, I stopped into my local Starbucks cafe before starting a two-hour drive to a client meeting.  I was looking forward to a relaxing drive on a beautiful Southern California day and listening to some new music.  I was expecting to purchase an Audio CD along with my Vente Coffee of the Day at Starbucks. 

Instead … what did I see?  A forlorn spinner rack standing right in the middle of the store with only two Audio CDs left on display.  I was surprised and disappointed.  I was expecting to browse the rack and purchase a new CD for my drive.  I did buy the coffee.  But it didn't taste as good as it usually does.  My expectations were not met.  Therefore everything else didn't seen so satisfying.

Over the past few years Starbucks has produced some innovative recordings on their Hear Music label.  I have particularly enjoyed their “Artist's Choice” series – the music that influenced popular artists like Joni Mitchell, Tony Bennett and Norah Jones.  I really wanted to acquire a new album – and at Starbucks you pay full price for the music.  It would have made the drive even more pleasant, it would have made the coffee taste even fresher, it would have engaged all of my senses … instead, I walked away unsatisfied.  The coffee didn't taste as good.

If you operate a retail store you must meet the expectations of your core customers.  You must engage them and delight them.  When a customer walks into your store he or she has a certain expectation – to find something specific, to browse, to ask for your advice or help in making a selection.  They want something, even if they can't quite articulate it.

But … they primarily judge your store by the first impression that you make on them.  Yesterday, Starbucks mad a terrible first impression on me.  And, I still have a bad taste in my mouth because of it.  I wanted to buy a CD – I did not want to see an abandoned CD spinner rack taking up prime floor space! 

For me, whenever I walk into a store and the displays look “picked-over” or disheveled, my first impression is – “This store doesn't care.  The employees don't care enough to re-stock and re-merchandise the shelves.  The management does not care what impression they make on their customers.”

I always felt this way when I walked into a CompUSA store.  And look what has happened there – half the stores in the chain are being closed.  It happened to KMart – the largest retail store bankruptcy ever.  Can it happen in your store?

Let's go back to my Starbucks experience.  That rack did not become depleted over night.  I was in the store a hour after they opened so I doubt that there was a rush of record buyers in the store at 6:00 a.m.  No … that rack has been standing there like a tree that has lost all but a few of its leaves for several days – if not weeks.  Where was the manager?  How could he or the employees tolerate that?  If they didn't have replenishment CDs to fill the rack the solution was simple – simply move it to the storage room.  Don't let your customers see an eyesore when they first walk into your store!

Learn to see your business through the eyes of your customer.  That eyesore left me with the sense that perhaps the beans were not freshly ground.  That the pastries were a few days old and stale.  That the restrooms might not have been serviced.  That I might not go back to Starbucks as often as in the past.  All because of one abandoned Audio CD spinner rack.  I felt as abandoned as the two CDs left in the rack.  I felt cheated.  Starbucks took more than my money yesterday.  They robbed me of my expectation – to enjoy a new CD while driving on a beautiful day.

I remembered a passage from Jaynie L. Smith's book, “Creating Competitive Advantage.”  She talked about her days working with Pan Am Airways:

“If the flights left and arrived on time, passengers felt generally positive about things like food, service, and comfort.  If the flights were delayed, however, passengers gave us low marks for everything, from check-in to after-dinner coffee.”

That's what airline passengers want – to take off on- time and to get to their destination safely and on-time.  Herb kelleher started Southwest Airlines with just that in mind:

“If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline.”

That is a winning business plan – and it works for any industry.  it doesn't matter what products you sell or services that you offer.  “If you focus on the things that your customers care about most, they will keep coming back.”  I urge you to purchase “The Competitive Advantage” and take its principles to heart.  To come out ahead today you MUST have a competitive advantage – and your customers must see how it benefits them to do business with you.

As a footnote.  For years, passengers consistently rated Southwest Airlines food service the best in the industry.  And they NEVER served food – just nuts!  But they got passenger off on-time.  And they made sure that they go to their destination safely and on-time.  They met their customers expectations. 

And the coffee tasted great!


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Was it Internet Pricing? Or "Soulless" Stores?

Yesterday, in his New York Times column – and on his blog – David Pogue wrote about the gutting of CompUSA.  They are closing half of their stores.  Pogue's article caught my attention for several reasons:

1) I advise several retail clients in the music products industry.  And if an established store operation like CompUSA can fall to the rise in competition – or its own irrelevance – what does that bode for for the future success of my clients?

2) Pogue speculated that the main reason CompUSA was forced into this severe downsizing was low-ball Internet pricing.  Actually, CompUSA's  pricing policy was not even competitive with other retail stores – e.g. Circuit City or even Target.  Even now, as they close the stores, they are only offering a token 10% discount on a “no returns / final sale” basis.  Big deal!  Or rather ,,, not a big enough deal to attract anyone's attention or dollar bills.  Many of my potential clients are scared and clueless when it comes to setting  – and sticking with – competitive prices.  This development is not giving them encouragement.

3) Later in the article, Pogue lamented the disappearance of the the “local” computer store at a time when many people find themselves crying out for help – because they feel so “technologically helpless.”  The complexity of setting up home networks, integrating computers and home theater systems, changing operating systems, fighting viruses and spam – you name it – it is all so complex (for a time-pressed population.)  What lessons can my music products industry clients take away from the (partial) demise of CompUSA?


Let's start with pricing, service, selection and then move on to building relationships with your customers.

Pricing:  Your pricing must must not only be competitive – it must be “dynamic” – you must have the ability to both raise and lower your prices to meet the ever-changing demands of your customers.  Some of the products that you sell are truly commodities and therefore they are extremely “price-sensitive.”  You should not try to “beat” Internet pricing but you can not afford to be “out of line” either.

Other product lines can be priced higher.  These are not commodities.  They are “desirables.”  They either have a certain “cache” or they are not available everywhere else or … they require more sales assistance in making the sale or more service opportunities (installation, check-up, etc.) after the sale.  These products deserve and can command a higher price.

Service:  Pogue's article was right on target when he described the shopping experience in a CompUSA store.  (Click here to read it yourself.)  Here is what Pogue said about the CompUSA staff:

“The company’s corporate spokesperson at the time acknowledged, 'Getting staff is a problem across the board. We need specialized talent; finding it can be a challenge.'

Between her lines, you could read the truth: technology experts are in demand everywhere. At $6.50 an hour (what CompUSA was paying at the time), you’re not going to attract many people who, ahem, excel in both personal and technical skills.”

Perhaps a better model to follow (if you are a retailer) is Best Buy stores and their crack service and systems installation team – “The Geek Squad.”

The dilemma for many music products (and electronics) dealers is: 

1) A significant part of my sales come from prices that are considered “commodities.”  I can't afford to pay good wages to my staff and remain competitive with Internet pricing on these “commodities.”

Hint:  You don't sell these “commodities” – competitive pricing sells them.  You don't need skilled and higher paid staff to sell these products.  Just price them right and let them sell themselves.

2) I can't train my staff to acquire the skills (product knowledge and people-skills) necessary to sell higher-end products.  I am also having a hard time retaining the staff that I have – there is a high turnover ratio.

Hint:  Take a close look at what Best Buy does with their electronics.  The higher-end products are in their own retail space – sometimes in their own store (Magnolia)   The sales staff is not a Best Buy clerk.  These are sales professionals.  They know the product.  But they are really trained to understand the needs, desires and the requirements of this customer.  And … they have the services of “The Geek Squad” to ensure customer satisfaction – i.e. “No wires showing!”

3) Selection:  You can't be all things to all people!  You can't possibly stock and sell every brand available.  Leave that to and other “Long Tail” retailers.

Hint: Offer your customers a choice – but make it limited and focused.  A proven strategy is offering a “Good, Better, Best” product line-up.  Do not confuse the customer with too many choices – the result … no choice!

4) Relational vs. Transactional Sales:  You can concentrate on the “transaction” – the customers who know what they want and they demand the lowest price or else …  If you choose to remain in this rut – well, just read the CompUSA story once more and this time insert your own store's name.  Or … you can focus your energy on building a strong relationship with your “core customers.”  Don't just make one sale.  Sell yourself and your interest in earning the next sale to that customer and … sales to the friends, family and neighbors of that one “satisfied” customer.

It can be done.  Local dealers can learn to thrive and survive.  Learn from the mistakes that CompUSA made.  Find your niche.  Grow your market.  Be different!


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Communicate Effectively and Quickly

“If you can’t state your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position.”

– Seth Godin

It is difficult to be brief. Try it! State your opinion in a few words as possible. How do you explain your business or service to a total stranger in just a few words – words that the stranger can easily understand? It is a tough task, isn’t it? And yet, increasingly that is what we have to do to retain current customers and to attract new ones. To be noticed – to stand out from the crowd – to move people to take action we must master the art of brevity.

One of the best business summaries I know came from Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon Cosmetics. He said:

“In the factory we make cosmetics, in the store we sell hope.”

Brilliant! All in twelve words. And they are the “right words” because they work. The listener can clearly understand the process and visualize the outcome. The outcome for each customer will be unique because each will define “hope” in their own way.

Will that “hope” renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, restore, rekindle or reinvent? Each customer will choose one or more of these answers – and probably one or more of Revlon’s cosmetics. Being brief, concise and “on-target” has a real payoff.

A few days ago, I wrote an article titled, “The Long and the Short of It.” I commented on the enjoyment and benefit I got from a new book by Dr. Frank Luntz“Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear.” Buy this book! Put it’s principles into practice. Reap the rewards! “Renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, rekindle, reinvent” is one of Luntz’s “Twenty-one words and phrases for the Twenty-first Century.” They work.

How am I planning to put this principle into practice? Follow this scenario: Continue reading “Communicate Effectively and Quickly” »

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Are Your Salespeople Biased?

Of course they are!  They're human.  All humans are biased to think and act in certain ways.  We offer biased opinions.  Our reactions are biased, to a degree, upon our experiences and environment.  However, if you are a salesperson – or you employ salespeople – your bias is costing you money and profit!

How?  And how do I correct this?

OK – before you get concerned – I am not talking about discrimination or other odious practices.  I want to draw your attention, in particular, to how your salespeople behave when they are not on the floor selling.  Or when they are not out in the field selling.  Why?

Because they way that they behave when they themselves are shopping or making decisions has a direct connection to the way that they sell  and the manner in which they relate to customers.  For example:

1) What kind of shopper are they?  Where do they shop for personal items?  Do they brag about the great deal that they got on XYZ?  Do they only shop at “huge discount stores?”  Do they dress and look like they just came from the bargain basement?

2) How about the ability to make decisions?  Do they say, “I'll have to think about this some more before I can make a decision?”  Do they give this response more times than not?  Many more times?

Well then, there is a high probability that they will respond in a similar manner during a sales call.  They will show their bias.  They will project their own preferences onto the customer.  How?

“Serial Bargain Buyers” place a high value on a low price sticker.  For many, this is the only thing that they value – the lowest price possible.  Do you employ any “serial bargain buyers?”  If so, do they project their bias onto your customers?  Just because they shop for bargains, they may presume that everyone shops for bargains – i.e. they are biased to believe that everyone wants the lowest possible price – all the time – or else they will not buy.

Does this happen in your store or place of business?  Do you have some salespeople who constantly complain about losing sales to the competitor down the block who has a lower price?  If so … I would start to do a background check – on their attitudes and shopping habits.  If you find that they are a “serial bargain buyer,” I would suggest that you encourage them to seek employment at another business that offers lower prices than you do.  They are beyond redemption.  You can not train them to change their attitude.

This is an extreme example made to illustrate a point.  It is natural that each of us tend to think that people that we meet or work with share the same outlook on the world that we do.  When you do your training – and I sincerely hope that you do train your staff – try to spot these natural tendencies towards bias.  Sometimes just pointing the reaction out – making them aware of their words, actions and non-verbal responses will be sufficient.

Last year, I made a few presentations to musical instrument dealers on “How To Compete with Internet Pricing:  Lose the Sale?  Or Lose the Profit?”  I have attached a sample page from that presentation as a file for you to access or download.  You can get the entire slide show on my website –

I asked the retailers to visualize their staff.  How many of their salespeople were “gigging” musicians?”  How many of these salespeople / “giggers” had any money?  How many of them actually knew anybody who had money?  How many of them – really – thought thought that your store's prices were too high?  How many of these salespeople / “giggers” actually purchased any equipment from your store – or did they go to the Internet or a competitor to get a lower price for themselves?

Unfortunately, many of the retailers in my audience nodded in agreement – I had just painted a picture of their sales staff.  And … they had a sales staff that was biased!  And they projected that bias onto their customers.

That is the real key – projecting your bias onto the customer.  Frankly, I don't care how you shop for yourself and your family – that is your decision.  Nor do I care how you make decisions at home.  As long as … you do not bring your bias to work.  Do not assume that everyone is your identical twin.

Successful salespeople ask question and listen to the answers their customers give to determine the best product or service for each individual customer.  Successful supervisors make a real effort to discover the factors that motivate each employee.  And they coach and communicate with the employee accordingly.  They do not show their bias. 

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The Need for a Mentor

During the NAMM Show last month, one of the most requested topics for future seminars was “How Do I Fnd a Mentor?”  Indeed, this is a topic that many businesses and industries are requesting.

The January 28,2007 issue of Business Week Magazine has an article, “Mentoring Can Be Messy,” which states that more than 50% of the 500 largest businesses now offering mentoring programs.  This is up from merely 10% of large firms who offered this 5 years ago according to Mentium – a company who helps to establish these mentoring programs for business.

When there is a good fit between mentor and mentee (or protege) there are multiple benefits that can result.  But remember – this is a relationship.  And, like any relationship, it takes a certain amount of chemistry for it to click. To quote from the Business Week Article:

Ideally, both people know what they want out of the arrangement. “I haven't seen a real powerful relationship that didn't have specific goals,” says Kim Wise, the head of Mentor Resources. These might include learning how to manage a big project or several employees or a budget, or developing an expertise that makes a transfer more likely. And once any of that happens, it's usually time to move on, maybe to another mentor. The most successful of these relationships last no more than a year. 

Speaking from my own experience, the need for a mentor is crucial to your career development.  I have been fortunate to have found several mentors who helped me to move my career to the next level.  In each case, the mentor found me.  I did not seek them out specifically.  Each was caring, giving and confident.  They saw some potential in me once I entered their orbit and they pushed me to another level – a level that I did not even know existed.  They had confidence in my abilities and they pushed me forward – not telling me what to expect, but being behind me for support should I stumble.

For some good advice on finding a mentor, I searched the Business Week on line Archives and found an article from April 17, 2001:

Q: What advice would you give to a person who wants to find a mentor?
Go into the relationship with realistic expectations and understand that a mentor is not going to solve all of your career problems, but should provide guidance and be available to be leaned on. Try to ask around the organization: Who has had a good track record of being a mentor? One thing we know is that people mentor for different reasons. Some do it for recognition and other incentives from the organization. Others just because they're altruistic. It follows that if you can identify people who want to help others, their motives may be more aligned with the protégés'.

And from the May 23, 2003 issue:

THE RIGHT FIT.  So our mentoring relationship has gelled, which is interesting, because at the beginning, I didn't know exactly what I wanted from it. Two years ago, when I met Rick, I only knew that the issues for Indigo Wild were becoming more complex, taxing my ability to make the best decisions.

Back then, however, I did sense there was a fit between Rick and me. While our companies would appear to have little in common — his is a laser-cartridge manufacturer, mine a maker of soaps and candles — we do, in fact, both take individual components, create products from those parts, and sell the products. In short, our procedures are similar — and Rick understood that.

Rick also took my business seriously, which hasn't always been the case with others. What, after all, could be more frou-frou than a maker of soaps and candles? Add a female founder and the perception takes hold of an entrepreneurial wannabe stirring soap over a stove with children underfoot. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indigo Wild is all about six full-time employees, 15 part-timers, and sales soaring into the seven digits. And Rick understood that, too.

SUMMING UP.  Whenever I think about what's in it for Rick to help me, I need to acknowledge that he isn't getting paid and isn't an investor in Indigo Wild. Thus, I conclude that he is simply one of those people with a heart of gold — and one of those entrepreneurs who truly enjoys helping others launch and expand their businesses.

Companies and industry associations can help to establish mentoring networks.  There are many individuals who “truly enjoy helping other to launch and expand their businesses,” and they live to serve.  Reach out to them and offer them the opportunity to help other people whom they have not yet met.  Understand that a mentoring relationship can not guarantee success.  Chemistry in a relationship can not be mandated.  But it can be “encouraged.”

Please share some of your mentoring stores with our readers – were you the mentor or the mentee?  How did it turn out?

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Did We Have This Meeting?

Okay, admit it!  If you are a meeting leader, how soon after a meeting do you follow-up on action items and key points from that meeting?

a) within 24 hours?

b) before the next meeting? 

c) at the next meeting when you ask for a status report?

If you are like most managers and team leaders, your answer is likely to be “b” or “c.”  And this one of the key reasons that meetings fail – and important tasks get delayed, detoured or deferred.

To quote from the Harvard Business School Press Pocket Mentor, “Running Meetings”

“Meetings that end without a communications and action plan often have no life outside the meeting room.  After all, the point is rarely the meeting itself, but rather the action that comes out of it.”

“Following up energetically is the single most important thing you can do to make the meeting (and any to follow) a success.”

In my years of experience, I have rarely participated in a meeting that concluded effectively.  Seldom, did the meeting leader summarize the key points and review responsibilities before concluding the meeting.  Yes, there were some assignments made during the meeting.  And, sometimes, decisions were reached during the meeting,  But I would wager that if you took a quick poll of 10 people in that meeting to determine what was decided you might get 10 different answers or interpretations.  Is it any wonder why most meetings are a waste of time?

Most meetings run too long – long past the stated conclusion time.  They whimper to conclusion.  Far too many people either “sneak out” or they “tune out” – by checking email, doodling, or passing personal notes – while the meeting is still going.  Those that remain to the bitter end usually rush out to attend their “next” meeting – or they storm back to their desk to get their “real work” done!

Does this sound familiar?  I thought so.  So how do you start to change conditions in your business.  How do you begin to run effective meetings?  How can you make your staff understand that (effective) meetings drive your business; that real work is accomplished during (effective) meetings?

I suggest that you start by putting real energy and effort into making sure that your meetings come to a real conclusion – just like a piece of music!  An effective conclusion might include a brief recap of the decisions or recommendations that were reached during the meeting.  The meeting leader should be looking at all team members during this recap – paying special attention to “body language” to spot those who do not seem to “buy in” to or seem unhappy about these decisions.  (The leader should then seek these team members out after the meeting and ask them to express their real feelings.  Leaders who do this consistently have seen dramatic positive energy shifts in their teams.)

If at all possible, a meeting scribe will have written and posted these decisions / recommendations on a white board or large “post-ti” notes attached to the walls.  This helps to reinforce the message that this was a group decision or recommendation and not just some subjective conclusion.

Just prior to concluding the meeting, I recommend that the leader review the “action items.”  When your team member publicly goes on record  – in front of their peers – and commits to completing “X” task by “Y” date with assistance from “A, B and C,” the results are truly amazing and will energize the entire team – plus you will get more accomplished.  And that is the real reason that we have meetings!

This is your “Communications and Action Plan” at work.  A tool to help your team deliver results and to communicate key decisions and recommendations.  It is not just a fancy way of writing up the minutes of your meeting (which no one actually reads.)  It is a vital tool to running a successful business – a business that is successful in part because they know how to meet effectively to accomplish their goals.

The Pocket Mentor, “Running Meetings,” has several meeting forms (Meeting Planner's Checklist, Meeting Agenda, Communications and Action Plan) that you can adapt to fit your company's needs.  It is an invaluable resource for any manager or leader to own – and use!



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